Kendall Jenner Is the New Miley Cyrus and SHE Deserves Her Own Reality Show!

Kendall Jenner’s Sweet 16 Special on E! just whetted my appetite for seeing more Kendall. I think she could have the best Kardashian reality show yet!

From Kendall standing up to her mother, Kris Jenner, to watching her cheer for her high school football team, the 16-year-old makes for TV, you just have to watch.

When Kendall Jenner told her mom Kris Jenner — “You’re embarrassing me,” and refused to back off from her demands that her Sweet 16 be smaller, more personal and less showy — I thought “wow,” this girl makes for great TV.
Kendall isn’t just stunning, tall and remarkably self-possessed for a 16-year-old, she’s also remarkably sensible and unspoiled.
The fact that she has the chutzpah and the credit cards to take herself and younger sister, Kylie, 14, to Las Vegas just makes for more jaw-dropping TV.
But luckily, despite her wealth and comfort with a certain lifestyle, she’s no brat.
She may have gone to Las Vegas to get a tattoo that her dad Bruce Jenner specifically forbade, but in the end, she realized that it wasn’t right to go against her parents wishes.
That’s what makes her likable. She has morals. You can feel good about watching her and in fact letting your younger sister watch too.
She is completely positioned to pick up Miley Cyrus‘s mantle. She’s funny, sweet and despite being gorgeous, she’s still goofy.
And she’s imperfect in completely relatable ways.
She may have model-worthy looks and legs, but she’s still so nervous doing her driver’s test, that she flubs up and fails. We can all relate to that.
I say — Kendall —  really is the new Miley Cyrus. She’s Hannah Montana, a little more grown up. But not so grown up like  the real-life Miley who has spent the past couple of years, doing everything in her power to prove that she’s not a little girl or even a teenager anymore.
Since Kendall never was a “child” star. She’s comfortable just being 16-year-old Kendall, leading a fabulous life that nevertheless has its challenges: a strong, opinionated mom, a super-protective dad, three famous sisters with powerful personalities and a little sister who’s the perfect wingman, um girl.
I’d totally tune in to watch the adventures of Kendall every week. Are you listening Kris Jenner and E!?
Don’t change Kendall, just let us tune into her EVERY week!
What do you think, HollywoodLifers? Would you like to watch a weekly Kendall show? Tell us now!

— Bonnie Fuller

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