The repercussions on the lives of the participants of the popular game show could be devastating, but the host ensures that each one of his subjects goes back as a better person
While many people manage to spend their entire lives without facing their inner demons, there are a few who choose to go through a baptism by fire – and that, on national television. The second season of
Sach Ka Samna has just begun and Rajeev Khandelwal, the host of the show has already managed to impressed us as always!
The participants are everyday people, the ‘aam-khaas aadmi’ that we all know and are, with lives that are out on display to the rest of the ready-to-mock world. The USP of the game show is that while it confronts its participants with their deepest and darkest secrets, it doesn’t judge them for being who they are.
Sach Ka Samna is the pot of gold that television writers dream about – it has the common man with uncommon problems, lots of family drama, a risk that can change life for good or bad and huge prize money which may or may not be worth the grilling. Rajeev Khandelwal gives the show a dignity that saves it from being borderline scandalous. Khandelwal empathises with the participants, makes them feel at home, connects with them, encourages them and doesn’t get judgmental. He takes a neutral stance towards what they have to say and acts as a catalyst for them to face their demons and go back as richer human beings, monetarily and spiritually. This show is exactly what the country needs, thanks to the corruption and other evils that have seeped into the system.
Sach Ka Samna might not be ‘entertaining’ in the literal sense, but provides a reality check when we need it the most.
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